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Ecological Exploration

Kentish plover

Birds | Charadriidae
Charadrius alexandrinus


The Kentish plover has a black beak, and stripes on its forehead and eyes are connected. Its neck ring is narrow and not connected on the foreneck. When it flies, its wings show white patterns. A few of the birds are resident.
Habits: The Kentish plover often forages on mudflats and takes fast, tiny steps, often stopping and going. During the breeding season, when the birds encounter predators, parent birds display “injury-feigning” behaviors to distract predators.
Winter/Common; Resident/Uncommon; Body length: 18 cm
Birdwatching period: year round


Flocks of Kentish plovers often appear in estuaries, sandbars, marshes, fishponds, paddy fields, and other mudflats.


  • (圖書) 吳自強、黃淑華、羅美玉,高美濕地飛羽,台中,2014。